
Abstract: Social networking platforms have given us incalculable opportunities than ever before, and its benefits are undeniable. Despite benefits, people may be humiliated, insulted, bullied, and harassed by anonymous users, strangers, or peers. Cyberbullying refers to the use of technology to humiliate and slander other people. It takes form of hate messages sent through social media and emails. With the exponential increase of social media users, cyberbullying has been emerged as a form of bullying through electronic messages. We have tried to propose a possible solution for the above problem, our project aims to detect cyberbullying in tweets using ML Classification algorithms like Naïve Bayes, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector etc. and also we will apply the NLTK (Natural language toolkit) which consist of bigram, trigram, n-gram and unigram on Naïve Bayes to check its accuracy. Finally, we will compare the results of proposed and baseline features with other machine learning algorithms. Findings of the comparison indicate the significance of the proposed features in cyberbullying detection. Keywords: Cyber bullying, Machine Learning Algorithms, Twitter, Natural Language Toolkit

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