
Changing global climatic conditions and the continuous eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems have led to increased frequency, duration and toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms worldwide. This makes the provision of time series information on cyanotoxins extremely crucial for effective monitoring and management of water resources. The objective of the present study was to investigate seasonal and annual changes in microcystins (MCs), cylindrospermopsins (CYNs), saxitoxins (STXs), neo-saxitoxin (neo-STX) and anatoxin-a (ATX-a) concentrations in 11 public water supply reservoirs in the semiarid region of Brazil, from 2004 to 2011. Per time, at least one cyanotoxin was present in all the investigated reservoirs. High levels of MCs, CYNs, STXs and Neo-STX were detected simultaneously in Carpina, Duas Unas, Ipojuca, and Jucazinho reservoirs. All the investigated reservoirs had significant concentrations of MCs. The highest levels of MCs were found in Carpina (303,300.0 ng g−1) and Duas Unas (122,053.9 ng g−1) reservoirs, while the lowest concentration of the hepatotoxins was recorded in Ipojuca (10.3 ng g−1) reservoir. On the other hand, CYN was detected in four reservoirs, STXs and Neo-STX in ten reservoirs and ATX-a in two reservoirs. The first record of CYN in Carpina reservoir was obtained in 2006. In addition, Carpina reservoir had the highest concentration of STXs and Neo-STX in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The high concentration of cyanotoxins observed in most samples obtained from semiarid reservoirs in Brazil demonstrates the need for regular monitoring and updated management programs.

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