
Synechocystis (a cyanobacterium) was employed as an alternative host for the production of plant essential oil constituents. β-Phellandrene synthase (PHLS) genes from different plants, when expressed in Synechocystis, enabled synthesis of variable monoterpene hydrocarbon blends, converting Synechocystis into a cell factory that photosynthesized and released useful products. Monoterpene synthases are secondary metabolism enzymes that catalyze the generation of essential oil constituents in terrestrial plants. Essential oils, including monoterpene hydrocarbons, are of interest for their commercial application and value. Therefore, heterologous expression of monoterpene synthases for high-capacity essential oil production in photosynthetic microorganism transformants is of current interest. In the present work, the cyanobacterium Synechocystsis PCC 6803 was employed as an alternative host for the production of plant essential oil constituents. As a case study, β-phellandrene synthase (PHLS) genes from different plants were heterologously expressed in Synechocystis. Genomic integration of individual PHLS-encoding sequences endowed Synechocystis with constitutive monoterpene hydrocarbons generation, occurring concomitant with photosynthesis and cell growth. Specifically, the β-phellandrene synthase from Lavandula angustifolia (lavender), Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), Pinus banksiana (pine), Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) and Abies grandis (grand fir) were active in Synechocystis transformants but, instead of a single product, they generated a blend of terpene hydrocarbons comprising β-phellandrene, α-phellandrene, β-myrcene, β-pinene, and δ-carene with variable percentage ratios ranging from < 10 to > 90% in different product combinations and proportions. Our results suggested that PHLS enzyme conformation and function depends on the cytosolic environment in which they reside, with the biochemical properties of the latter causing catalytic deviations from the products naturally observed in the corresponding gene-encoding plants, giving rise to the terpene hydrocarbon blends described in this work. These findings may have commercial application in the generation of designer essential oil blends and will further assist the development of heterologous cyanobacterial platforms for the generation of desired monoterpene hydrocarbon products.

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