
The analysis of theoretical and experimental labours allowed to define professional consciousness of psychologist-beginner as intersystem cooperation of three fine-tuning: cognitive, highly emotional and behavioral. Every fine-tuning of professional consciousness has specific descriptions that stipulate self-development and self-actualization personalities in professional activity. Becoming of professional consciousness of psychologist-beginner in the period of his adaptation to professional activity is a process in basis of that there is a removal of contradiction in the system «a man is a profession». The table of contents of this process is a decision of situation of difficulties with the high level of vagueness in professional activity due to the processes of reflection, that provide: actualization of structures of «I» at included in the situation of difficulty; exhausting of actualizated stereotypes of experience and templates of actions is in the situation of difficulty; discredit of stereotypes, templates in the context of the contradictions educed by a subject; opening of new principles of the structural overcoming of these contradictions with further by their practical realization. The result of this process is new formation: in the field of cognitive professional consciousness is realization of the valued orientations within the limits of profession, reasons and aims, objects, methods, facilities, knowledge, abilities, skills from the achievement of aims of professional activity, including to the role-play structure of professional group, acceptance of itself as a representative of this professional group, becoming of method of professional self-realization self-perfection, self-regulations; in a highly emotional sphere is a change of self-attitude to itself as to the representative of this professional group; in behavioral is satisfaction by a soba and by own professional activity.Becoming of professional consciousness is examined from the moment of establishment of relation a «man is a certain profession» at emotionally-valued level at forming of professional intentions and correlation of them with ideas about own possibilities. In the period of professional studies an operating-room, motivational, semantic components of professional activity, is formed. In contradiction with them enter the emotionally saturated character of profession and requirement to the profession, that normatively limit personality. After completion studies professional consciousness is the ideal model of relation of man to the profession. In an adaptation period leading contradiction is a collision of ideal and real models of professional activity. Basic psychological terms, that provide becoming of professional consciousness of psychologist-beginner, are: situations of difficulty in professional activity, in basis of that is a vagueness in an operating-room (incompetence, absence of experience), motivational (unwillingness to operate) and semantic (loss or absence of prospect) spheres; a choice of methods of removal of internal conflict is in the situations of difficulty; an estimation of own achievements is in professional activity; measure of rigidity of I-conception; readiness is to caмoзмiн, professional self-perfection and sekf-development.

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