
CWA 15793: When the Biorisk Management is the Core of a Facility


  • All facilities that have biorisk as a core of their activities when working in production and research, using pathogenic bacteria or viruses infecting humans or animals beings, have an agreement document as a guidance for their activities: the CWA 15793 [1]

  • The greater challenge is the continual improvement in the control of biorisks; the organization should identify opportunities of improvement (e. g., training, preventive actions, effectiveness of follow-up actions, etc.) and act according to the available resources and potential gains in terms of improved control of risk

  • There is no biorisk management system without the assignment of trained and qualified personnel, who need the freedom and authority within the center, and enough materials and means (, to initiate in an autonomous manner, a preventive or corrective action followed by its resolution

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All facilities that have biorisk as a core of their activities when working in production and research, using pathogenic bacteria or viruses infecting humans or animals beings (or even plants), have an agreement document as a guidance for their activities: the CWA 15793 [1]. The responsibilities include: follow-up of incidents/accidents; flow of risk management information, delivery of training, verification that the management procedures are addressed in conjunction with the personnel involved, etc. The organization shall ensure that personnel managing biorisks in the workplace are competent to do so.

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