
Radar target recognition tasks often incorporate valuable side information (SI) that aids in the recognition task. The effectiveness of SI has been fully verified in traditional statistical modeling approaches. Its full potential remains untapped in deep learning-based high-resolution range profile (HRRP) target recognition tasks. Taking into account the azimuth sensitivity of HRRP, azimuth is chosen as the SI of the proposed model. To integrate SI into deep neural networks, we propose two novel parameterized convolution methods, namely variational parameterized convolution (VPCONV) and the extended conditionally VPCONV (CVPCONV). Specifically, VPCONV makes the convolutional kernel weights as the function of the auxiliary azimuth, which gives the network the capability of adaptively adjusting to changes in azimuth. Acknowledging the challenge of estimating HRRP azimuth accurately in practical scenarios, VPCONV employs a heteroscedastic Gaussian distribution, featuring varying mean and variance, to generalize the estimation error of SI through variational encoding. Moreover, CVPCONV incorporates the properties of the HRRP samples themselves by kernel attention module. Finally, we present a lightweight SI-based network. The experimental results based on the measured HRRPs validate the effectiveness of proposed method across various extended recognition tasks, underscoring the potential of fusing SI via parameterized convolution in advancing target recognition systems.

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