
We give a linear-time algorithm to compute the cutwidth of threshold graphs, thereby resolving the computational complexity of cutwidth on this graph class. Although our algorithm is simple and intuitive, its correctness proof relies on a series of non-trivial structural results, and turns out to be surprisingly complex. Threshold graphs are a well-studied subclass of interval graphs and of split graphs, both of which are unrelated subclasses of chordal graphs. To complement our result, we show that cutwidth is NP-complete on split graphs, and consequently also on chordal graphs. In addition, we show that cutwidth is trivial on proper interval graphs, another subclass of interval graphs. The cutwidth of interval graphs is open, and only very few graph classes are known so far on which polynomial-time cutwidth algorithms exist. Thus we contribute to define the border between graph classes on which cutwidth is polynomially solvable and on which it remains NP-complete.KeywordsInterval GraphChordal GraphGraph ClassExtremal PropertySplit GraphThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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