
Our main result is that the Steiner point removal (SPR) problem can always be solved with polylogarithmic distortion, which answers in the affirmative a question posed by Chan, Xia, Konjevod, and Richa in 2006. Specifically, we prove that for every edge-weighted graph $G = (V,E,w)$ and a subset of terminals $T \subseteq V$, there is a graph $G'=(T,E',w')$ that is isomorphic to a minor of $G$ such that for every two terminals $u,v\in T$, the shortest-path distances between them in $G$ and in $G'$ satisfy $d_{G,w}(u,v) \le d_{G',w'}(u,v) \le O(\log^5|T|) \cdot d_{G,w}(u,v)$. Our existence proof actually gives a randomized polynomial-time algorithm. Our proof features a new variant of metric decomposition. It is well known that every finite metric space $(X,d)$ admits a $\beta$-separating decomposition for $\beta=O(\log \lvert X\rvert)$, which means that for every $\Delta>0$ there is a randomized partitioning of $X$ into clusters of diameter at most $\Delta$, satisfying the following separation property: for...

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