
Foliar epidermis and cuticle of five species of Lepidagathis Willd and seven of Barleria Linn belonging to the tribe Barlerieae (family Acanthaceae) have been studied The investigation shows that the genus Lepidagathis can be divided broadly into two groups, depending on whether the different species of the genus are amphistomatic or hypostomatic. The investigated species of Lepidagathis reveal broadly similar epidermal characters. There are, however, distinct variations of taxonomic value, which help in making distinctions at the species level Although the above generalization holds good for the genus Barleria also, the species B. cuspidata shows conspicuous differences from other species of the genus. The most important character which distinguishes Barleria from Lepidagathis is the predominance of double cystoliths in the former in comparison with solitary ones in the latter. Also, the nonglandular hairs of Barleria are of a characteristic lanceolate shape with thick, ornamented walls. The present study supports Bremekamp's (1944, 1953, 1965) placement of Barleria and Lepidagathis in two different tribes.

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