
Cuticle ultrastructure analysis of Dictyozamites crassinervis Menéndez, Otozamites parviauriculata Menéndez, Zamites decurrens Menéndez, Ptilophyllum longipinnatum Menéndez, Pterophyllum sp., Cycadolepis coriacea Menéndez and Williamsonia bulbiformis Menéndez (receptacle and bract) was made using transmission electron microscopy, allowing the extension of the original descriptions. The specimens occur in the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation, Baqueró Group (Early Aptian), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Each leaf species and the scale-leaf were compared with other bennettitalean taxa from the Baqueró Group and the Springhill Formation (Early Cretaceous of Patagonia). The comparison was extended to fossil and extant Cycadales. The ultrastructural analysis has indicated a close relationship among the following taxa: Dictyozamites, Otozamites and Zamites; Ptilophyllum and Pterophyllum; and Cycadolepis with the bract of Williamsonia. The ultrastructural comparison between the specimens found in the Baqueró Group and the Springhill Formation has demonstrated the occurence of different processes of fossilization.

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