
Abstract o 1. At 20°C the Congo eel, Amphiuma means , can survive for at least 24 hr when submerged in aerated tap water. Oxygen is readily taken up, from the bathing water, across the skin of these amphibians. 2. The rate of oxygen uptake declines linearly as the oxygen tension in this solution decreases. 3. In air, A. means breathes sporadically; the rate of oxygen consumption was similar to that when they were submerged in water nearly saturated with air. 4. When pulmonary ventilation was pharmacologically blocked (with gallamine triethiodide) the rate of metabolism was maintained by O 2 uptake across the integument. 5. The ability of A. means to utilize its skin for respiration in air and water is compared to that in two other urodeles Siren lacertina and Necturus maculosus .

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