
Cutaneous and soft tissue metastases of endometrial cancer are rare. This review aims to examine the prevalence of cutaneous metastasis, the diagnosis and treatment options, and the impact of cutaneous metastasis of endometrial cancer on overall survival. We also present a particular case with a long-term overall survival. A systematic literature search was conducted on PubMed and PubMed Central using the following keywords: endometrial carcinoma metastasis, cutaneous metastasis, and five-year overall survival. We identified 326 results and checked their titles for eligibility. There were eight studies included. We also presented a case of a 51-year-old woman with cutaneous metastasis and a large soft tissue metastasis with a prolonged overall survival of about 13 years after the appearance of the first cutaneous metastasis. This paper highlights the importance of skin evaluations in patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Healthcare providers must consider the possibility of cutaneous metastasis localization in patients with endometrial cancer to assign the correct stage and apply the appropriate treatment to increase long-term survival.

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