
Some infectious diseases can clinically present as vesiculobullous disorders. A case of 33-year-old male patient presented with red, itchy skin lesions and few fluid filled lesions over both groins since 2 months. On clinical examination, multiple tense bullae with clear fluid over background of well defined erythematous plaques over both groins were noted.Histopathological examination showed subepidermal blister with abundant fibrin and numerous eosinophils in the blister cavity.Based on the diagnosis of biopsy proven bullous pemphigoid patient was started on steroids ( Inj. Dexamethasone 2cc IV OD in morning ) as treatment for 5 days. But on day 6 patient developed papular lesions over the original site where erythematous plaques were present.To rule out infectious etiology, KOH(10%) wet mount examination of the scales from the borders of the lesion showed numerous thin septate fungal hyphae and culture for fungus from skin scrappings showed growth for trichophyton mentagrophytes.So here, a case of 33 year-old male with cutaneous dermatophytosis having presentation mimicking bullous pemphigoid both clinically and histopathologically has been described.

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