
In the past years, implementing the guidelines of the Party, Government and Ministries, from the central to local levels,especially the Central Highlands provinces have taken efforts onsynchronous implementation of solutions and resource prioritiesfor sustainable poverty reduction, focusing on ethnic minority areasand particularly difficult areas. In addition to the direct resourceinvestment, the Government also incorporates poverty reductioncontent in the socio-economic development programs and projects.Although the results of poverty reduction and hunger eradicationare achieved impressively, however, it is still not commensurate withthe potential and advantages of the Central Highlands.Until now,the rate of poor households in remote areas and ethnic minorityareas are still high. Therefore, ensuring people’s livelihood to helpthem strive to escape from poverty to be a necessary issue that cansolve the root cause of poverty among ethnic minorities in the wholecountry in general and ethnic minorities in the Central HighlandsArea in particular in the context of accelerating the industrializationand modernization of the country and international integration

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