
Reading is a primary concern of patients with central field loss (CFL) because it is typically performed with foveal vision. Spatial remapping offers one potential avenue to aid in reading; it entails shifting occluded letters to retinal areas where vision is functional. Here, we introduce a method of creating and testing different remapping strategies-ways to remap text-customized for CFL of different shapes. By simulating CFL in typically-sighted individuals, we tested the customization hypothesis-that the benefits of different remapping strategies will depend on the properties of the CFL. That is, remapping strategies will aid reading differentially in the presence of differently shaped CFL. In Experiment 1, letter recognition in the presence of differently shaped CFL was assessed in and around central vision. Using these letter recognition "maps" different spatial remappings were created and tested in Experiment 2 using a word recognition task. Results showed that the horizontal gap remapping, which did not remap any letters vertically, resulted in the best word recognition. Results were also consistent with the customization hypothesis; the benefits of different remappings on word recognition depended on the different CFL shapes. Although the horizontal gap remapping resulted in very good word recognition, tailoring remapping strategies to the shape of patients' CFL may aid reading with the wide range of sizes and shapes encountered by patients with CFL.

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