
Preserving privacy of the user is a very critical requirement to be met with all the international laws like GDPR, California privacy protection act and many other bills in place. On the other hand, Online Social Networks (OSN) has a wide spread recognition among the users, as a means of virtual communication. OSN may also acts as an identity provider for both internal and external applications. While it provides a simplified identification and authentication function to users across multiple applications, it also opens the users to a new spectrum of privacy threats. The privacy breaches costs to the users as well as to the OSN. Despite paying millions of dollars as fine every year, the OSN has not done any significant changes, as data is the fuel and what it loses as fine is far less compared to the money OSN makes out of the shared data. In this work, we have discussed a wide range of possible privacy threats and solutions prevailing in OSN-Third Party Application (TPA) data sharing scenario. Our solution models the behavior of the user, as well as TPA and pinpoints the avenues of over sharing to the users, thereby limiting the privacy loss of the user.

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