
Aim. Reliability evaluation of a system or component or element is very important in order to predict its availability and other relevant indices. Reliability is the parameter which tells about the availability of the system under proper working conditions for a given period of time. The study of different reliability indices are very important considering the complex and uncertain nature of the power system. In this paper reliability evaluation of the meshed distribution system is presented. This paper also evaluates basic indices such as average failure rate, average outage time and average annual outage time. Along with basic indices, customer orientated indices such as system average interruption frequency index, system average interruption duration index and customer average interruption duration index of an electrical power distribution system is also evaluated. The electrical power distribution system taken for study is meshed distribution system in nature.Aditya Tiwary. "Customer Orientated Indices and Reliability Evaluation of Meshed Power Distribution System" Reliability: Theory & Applications, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10-19. doi:10.24411/1932-2321-2020-11001

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