
Today, companies have changed their strategies in management and marketing because of new phenomena such as: ICT, deregulation, focus on service, mega-alliances and new roles of consumers, these phenomena have led companies to adopt a global and collaborative relational approach.Keeping customers, ensuring loyalty and satisfying them have become a major challenge for companies. To get closer to the customer, associate him and win these challenges; customer empowerment emerged as a new practice to involve him in the business and exploit his knowledge to gain a competitive advantage.This research proposes a conceptual framework of customer empowerment, this emerging managerial practice aims to demonstrate the role of customer involvement through this managerial approach can improve his satisfaction.After having proposed the conceptual framework of the key concepts of this study; the mobilized method to demonstrate this central object is as follow: the study of an existing case within the Algerian company under projection, with a qualitative approach by choosing interview and oriented survey within the department of Commerce. This study concluded that the customer empowerment is essential in a hyper competitive context to be closer to the customer, to know his needs, to exploit his skills in order to surpass the pinnacle of the temporal satisfaction.

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