
The paper is concerned with families of plane algebraic curves that contain a given and quite special finite set X of points in the projective plane. We focus on the case in which the set X is formed by transversally intersecting pairs of lines selected from two given finite families of cardinality d. The union of all lines from both families is called a cage, and the intersection X consists of d^2 points at which a line from the first family intersects a line from the second. The points of X are called the nodes of the cage. We study the subsets A of the nodal set X such that any plane algebraic curve C of degree d that contains A must contain X as well. As a corollary, we get a few generalizations of the famous Pascal theorem, generalizations that employ polygons (instead of hexagons as in Pascal's theorem) inscribed in a quadratic curve. Our results are closely related to the classical theorems of Chasles and Bacharach. Although the nodal sets X produced by our cages are quite special in comparison to more general complete intersections studied by Bacharach, the cages provide us with a much better grip on the combinatorics of subsets A of X with the property that is described above.

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