
Introduction Previous investigations of Gadolinium-doped Cerium Oxide (GDC) have demonstrated its applicability for anode as well as electrolyte applications in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) [1-3]. In particular, GDC has shown to be a desirable catalyst for CH4 fuel oxidation due to its ability to suppress carbon precipitation on SOFC anodes [4]. When used as an anode material, GDC must have a high oxygen surface exchange coefficient, kchem, to facilitate oxygen exchange. Previous efforts to measure GDC kchem values have utilized techniques such as thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) [2, 5] and electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) [6]. At identical testing conditions the results of these measurements often differ by an order of magnitude, or more. The present work aims to help resolve these discrepancies by determining GDC kchem values through a recently-developed curvature relaxation (κR) technique [7]. Experimental Methods Following the procedure described in Ref. [7], the κR response of a mechano-chemically active film [8] (in this case, a 570 nm thick sputtered GDC thin film) on an inert substrate (in this case a 200 micron thick (100)-oriented (Y2O3)0.13(ZrO2)0.87 single crystal) equilibrating to an abrupt step in oxygen particle pressure, p(O2), was used to measure kchem. Here, p(O2) was altered by switching between 2∙10-27/bar and 2∙10-28/bar at 600oC, and between 3.2∙10-29/bar and 3.2∙10-30/bar at 550oC. The p(O2) was controlled by switching between a 68 sccm dry H2-32 sccm 25oC humidifed H2 mixture and a 100 sccm 25oC humidified H2gas stream. Results and Discussion Fig. 1 shows the changes in bilayer curvature over multiple p(O2) cycles at 550oC and 600oC. The reproducibility in the long-term (i.e. equilibrium) curvatures of the oxidized and reduced stages suggest an absence of factors leading to irreproducibility; such as sample damage through cracking or delamination.The kchem values obtained by the κR technique are compared with literature in Fig. 2. The activation energy, Ea, of the κR-measured kchem is 0.4±0.1 eV, compared to 0.7 eV for literature ECR-measured kchem values [6]. The kchem values reported here are noticeably lower than those found in the literature for similar temperatures. While it is possible that this mismatch is due to the difference in the applied p(O2), the relationship between p(O2) and kchem in Fig. 2 does not immediately follow the reported trends. Identification of the source of these discrepancies is on-going, and will be discussed in this work. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Army Research Office Award #W911NF-13-1-0404. The authors would also like to thank Christopher Traverse for assistance with film sputtering.

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