
Curriculum is an integral part of any educational cycle. Curriculum development is a systematic process involving designing, implementing , evaluating and redesigning. There are different types of curriculums being practiced by institutions. Subject based curriculum is a widely used but competency based curriculum is the best. There is an urgent need to have relook at the existing curriculum as it is beset with many problems. The faculty development (FD) is one factor affecting curriculum development. We need to identify the other issues and address them. Presently Dermatology postgraduate training is more concentrated in imparting more knowledge based learning. Acquiring and assessing skills not included in the program.The curriculum is decades old and does not address the present needs. The classification of diseases can be modified. Evaluation methods have to be structured to assess knowledge and skill. Dermatosurgery, dermatotherapeutics and cosmetic dermatology needs to be added to the curriculum. The teachers , institutions and regulatory authorities to plan strategies to bring about these changes to present to the society a knowledgeable, skillfull,sensitive and ethically correct.


  • Curriculum development is an integral part of medical educa on

  • Post graduate dermatology training is suffering from the same malady

  • A review at the dermatology curriculum is urgently warranted. This ar cle tries to look at the present status of curriculum in both medicine in general and dermatology in par cular and discuss the possible means to improve effect changes in dermatology curriculum

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Curriculum development is an integral part of medical educa on. Since decades it has seen no changes. According to the model of Kern et al for curriculum development in medical educa on, the first steps are iden fying the problem and performing a need assessment. If sa sfactory the curriculum is implemented or redesigned as required This is called the ADDIE model- Analysis, Design, Development, Implementa on and Evalua on. In the discipline of medicine it is called Competency Based Medical Educa on (CBME).The important aspect of this curriculum is competence, which is measureable can be assessed regarding its quality of acquisi on. Implemen ng this requires new skills for teacher –i.e faculty development. Hybrid Blend of face to face in class teaching with web based teaching such as online course, discussion board etc

Problem based
No weight age for internal assessment
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