
This article examines curriculum conceptualization, development, and implementation in the Ethiopian education system against the perspectives of notable progressive curriculum theories. To this end, the Ethiopian education policy and curriculum documents were reviewed against progressive curriculum orientations stemmed from Beauchamp, Pinar, and McNeil’s curriculum theories. The conceptualization of curriculum has suffered much from dizziness and blurred classifications of theories by different scholars. Despite the naming differences, value-oriented, child-centered, constructivists, re-conceptualists, social reconstructionist, and humanist theories were regarded as progressive curriculum orientations. Based on thorough reading of the literature, we came to believe that all these theories emphasize on considering learners’ interests, needs, and backgrounds either as an individual or as a group as a centerpiece in the curriculum development and implementation processes. Thus, the article analyzes the manifestations of value-oriented, child-centered, constructivists, re-conceptualists, social reconstructionists, and humanists’ theories in the whole education system of Ethiopia. On the basis of the discussions made on progressive curriculum theorists’ curriculum conceptualization, development, and implementation in the educational context of Ethiopia, relevant recommendations were forwarded.

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