
The study looked into the variances and differences of the two curricula of Capitol University College of Education for the graduates of Academic Year 2008-2009, and the performance of the graduates who opted to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) of the same year. The University produced 39 Education Graduates from two separate curricula implemented, wherein 25 were from the old curriculum and 14 were from the new one. The study specifically monitored the academic, practical and national performances of the Bachelor of Science in Education (BEEd) graduates, at which the academic criteria focused on their marks according to the university standards for General and Professional Education, as well as marks from the Mock Exam (as a course requirement); practical performances measured according to marks given by supervisory instructors during their practicum or Practice Teaching. These marks were then statistically derived to represent the general training these graduates received from Capitol University. The LET results of 2009 were used as the benchmark to determine the performances of the curricula stated. Along with information gathered from graduate insights and job experiences, the study highlighted on the perceived identified strengths of the both curriculums as an add-on experience to further improve the LET performances of the incoming graduates for the Education Program of Capitol University. The new curriculum is currently implemented in the University, with the distinction specific to the Department awarded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as a center of Excellence. Key words: accreditation, curriculum comparison, Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), performance.

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