
India has had a rich tradition of education and learning since ancient times, especially during the Renaissance period, which was the golden age of Indian culture. The principle of karma holds great importance in the Indian education system and has evolved during the transition. The four Vedas, namely, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda were configured through ideals, practices and conduct. In the Vedic period, two methods of teaching were prevalent, first, the oral/verbal method, and second, the method based on thinking (contemplation). Bloom's taxonomy defines three domains: learning, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Ancient education systems are also based on three domains, developing higher- order learning by building lower-level cognitive skills. Ancient to modern education. The current Higher Education 2020 also suggests a multidisciplinary approach on similar lines. The Vedic period saw teaching being student-centred. Listening, understanding and discussion method of oral work, reasoning used gave rise to generalization and application of knowledge. Santiniketan which follows the philosophy of Naturalism in its curricular dealings. Many other experiments of Gurukul's system are being explored in different parts of the country. It becomes imperative that we learn from our past and adopt ways of designing our curriculum and pedagogy to meaningfully address societal needs. What are the academic subjects from the past that can be included in the present day curriculum? How can the curriculum be based on Indian teachings? What instructional strategies can be integrated from the past? Through the answers to these questions, we can prepare better citizens for an advanced society by introducing an educational practice relevant to today's educational scenario. Because in ancient times, educational practices included such subjects which have relevance even today.

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