
To realize the efficient current-induced spin-orbit torque (SOT) magnetization switching, the understanding of spin source with unique physics for the charge-to-spin conversion is very important. Here, we demonstrate the current-induced SOT magnetization switching by considering non-collinear spin moments mixed by Rashba-like Sy, Dresselhaus-like Sx, and out-of-plane like Sz by using micromagnetic simulation. The magnetization switching with considering three configurations of out-of-plane magnetization (along the z-direction), in-plane magnetization along the x and y-direction have been studied. The current induced out-of-plane spin moment can effectively contribute unconventional out-of-plane damping like torque to switch the mz at zero magnetic field. Similarly, the current induced Dresselhaus-like spin moments can switch mx effectively. Our results may provide a new degree of freedom for the understanding of current-induced SOT magnetization switching by non-collinear spin source for the potential application of spintronics devices.

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