
Modern trends of education managers’ professional development in Ukraine, Finland, Singapore, and the Czech Republic are investigated in the article on the basis of the analysis of the features of managerial activities.The aim of the article is to analyze the trend of education managers’ professional development in terms of modern educational transformations.Methodology. During the coverage of modern trends in education managers’ professional development, a number of methods were used that contribute to the awareness and analysis of the problem, in particular: analysis of regulatory-and-legal documents and educational-and-methodological sources on the problem of education managers’ professional development; comparative analysis – to study the peculiarities of managerial activities in Ukraine and abroad; systematization and generalization – for formulating conclusions.The scientific novelty consists in the systematization and generalization of the specific features of managerial activity in Ukraine and abroad and, on this basis, the determination of trends in education managers’ professional development in the context of modern educational transformations.Conclusions. In the process of research, it was concluded that managers’ professional development is determined by the specific features of their professional activities. In the national education system, the educational paradigm expands and modifies the content and mechanisms of management activities, the implementation of the autonomy of the educational establishment (financial, academic, personnel and organizational) and provides for the implementation of the following types of management: organizational, educational, financial-and-economic, personnel, quality system. In foreign educational systems, there is a trend towards the globalization of management activities, which involves projecting the impact of management decisions at the local school level on other educational establishments and the development of the country as a whole, and the experience of implementing the systematic involvement of heads of educational establishments in the formation of national educational policy.In this way, the professional development of the head of an educational establishment is formed on the basis of the relevant state priorities for the development of education, professional standards, public demands, regional characteristics and individual educational needs.

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