
In, this study current trend in pulse crops production has been emphasised. The study was based on secondary data from 1950–51 to 2012–13. The data is based on several governmental documents and web sites. The linear, quadratic and exponential functions were fitted in order to analyse the trends in area, production and productivity of pulse crops in India. Quadratic functional form was employed to fit the trend due to its higher R2 value as compared to other two forms. Besides these, compound growth rate (CGR), co-efficient of variation (CV) and instability index (II) were also computed. In the present study the effects on area, productivity as well as their interactions towards increasing trend towards the production were estimated. Further study reveals that in the present fitted linear quadratic form the ‘c’ value have positive and statistically significant on overall time period of pulse production in the country more particularly during Phase I and Phase II. The growing of pulse crops was not risky as revealed by the lower CV. The CV of area, production and productivity of pulse crops were less than 0.08%. The instability indices for area, production and productivity for pulse crops were positive and thereby indicating no risk for growing pulse crops in coming days. The increase in production is due to increase in area as well as interaction of area and productivity of pulse crops in the study periods.

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