
e17546 Background: The standard of breast cancer care has been based on clinical trial results. With the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requiring all clinical trials registered in a public trial registry as a condition of publication, the US trials registry “ClinicalTrials.gov” has become a global registry of currently available clinical trials. We aim to explore the current clinical trials to study the trend of breast cancer therapeutics development based on analysis of a comprehensive breast cancer trial database. Methods: We performed a systematic review of all breast cancer therapeutic clinical trials. All data were captured from ClinicalTrials.gov for all “industry-sponsored” phase I-IV trials in October, 2007 including trials that were first registered between October 2005 and September 2007. Essential data was extracted by a tailor-made Statistical Analysis System Program developed by Professor JP Karlberg at the University of Hong Kong. The data included register identity, study phase, study compounds and recruitment status etc. Results: Altogether 443 clinical therapeutic interventional trials were identified and classified into 10 modes of action. The latest five mostly studied compounds accounted for 32.73% of all the therapeutic trials (n = 145). Lapatinib, a dual kinase inhibitor is studied most in 31 trials (9 monotherapy). Docetaxel, a mitotic inhibitor is studied in 27 trials (10 monotherapy) while letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, currently used in adjuvant setting is tested in 18 out of a total 22 trials as monotherapy. Antimetabolites such as gemcitabine being involved in 24 trials (2 monotherapy) with capecitabine studied in 21 trials (11 monotherapy), were followed by bevacizumab, a VEGF monoclonal antibody which is currently studied in 20 trials, and tested as combinations in 75% of the related trials. Conclusions: According to the US trial registry, current most commonly tested compounds for breast cancer include lapatinib, followed by docetaxel, gemcitabine, letrozole, and capecitabine. There is increasing new therapeutics with combination strategy. This supports the trend of personalized medicine in the management of breast cancer which is a heterogeneous disease. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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