
Thirty years of NATO in Erice. I: The Early Universe. The covariant and gauge invariant approach to perturbations in cosmology G.F.R. Ellis. Lectures on inflationary cosmology A. Linde. Back reactions of strings in self consistent string theory H.J. de Vega, N. Sanchez. Topological defects in cosmology E.P.S. Shellard. Cosmological inflation, microwave background anisotropies and large scale structure of the universe D.S. Salopek. II: Cosmic Microwave Background. The big bang and the infrared sky as seen by COBE J.C. Mather. Spectrum of the cosmic microwave background: Results and prospects A. Kogut. Cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectrum from primordial density perturbations G.F. Smoot. Cosmic microwave background anisotropy at large angular scales/ COBE DMR results G.F. Smoot. COBE / DMR: Testing the initial conditions A. Kogut. Detection of primary and secondary anisotropies in the CMB A. Lasenby, S. Hancock. Small-scale fluctuations in the microwave sky: CBR fluctuations on sub-arcminute scales and sources of foreground noise R.B. Partridge. Results and plans of CMB anisotropy observations (COBE, DMR, MAX and COBRAS) G.F. Smoot. III: Large Scale Structure. Dark matter and the value of C.S. Frenk. Dark matter and Sakharov oscillations I.D. Novikov. Two lectures on the observational determination of the Hubble expansion rate A. Sandage, G.A. Tammann.

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