
The portrait medallion of Sir Norman Lockyer, by Sir Hamo Thornycroft, which is to be erected at the Norman Lockyer Observatory, Salcombe Hill, Sidmouth, will be unveiled by Sir Frank Dyson, Astronomer Royal, on Saturday, July 22. Lt.-Col. F. K. McClean, a generous benefactor to the observatory, will present the medallion on behalf of the subscribers, and it will be received by Sir Richard Gregory, chairman of the council. The observatory was erected in 1912 upon a plateau 550 feet above sea level, and is unique of its kin in Great Britain, being vested in a registered corporation which possesses the whole of the property and controls the operations. It was founded by Sir Norman Lockyer, and was formerly called the Hill Observatory, but since that distinguished astronomer's death the name has been changed to the Norman Lockyer Observatory in honour to his memory. The director is Major W. J. S. Lockyer, and there is a research committee consisting of Sir Frank Dyson, Prof. A. S. Eddington, Prof. A. Fowler and Prof. H. H. Turner. The observatory possesses an equipment of the first rank for spectroscopic work, and photographs of stellar spectra taken, in it are being used for the determination of the parallaxes of stars. The method used was first worked out at the Mount Wilson Observatory and it represents one of the most remarkable developments of astrophysics ever achieved. The gifts of Sir Norman and Lady Lockyer, Lt.-Col. McClean, Mr. Robert Mond, Capt. W. N. McClean and others, together with subscriptions of members, have been sufficient to establish and maintain the observatory hitherto, but additional funds will be required if the work is to be carried on efficiently. In the United States, generous donors to astronomy seem to be forthcoming whenever they are needed, with the result that the chief advances of astronomical science are being made there. The Norman Lockyer Observatory, on account of the elasticity of its constitution, offers similar benefactors in this country an excellent opportunity for emulating the example afforded by America, and we trust that one or more of them will provide the means to continue and extend the work to which a few devoted people have already contributed their full share.

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