
Current Therapy is a compendium of treatment. Its contents are described on the title page as the latest approved methods of treatment. This publication has appeared annually for a number of years not stated in the present edition. Its value to the practitioner of medicine is generally recognized, but because of its size and cost it is probably not purchased annually by a majority of its users.In general, the present edition appears to reach the high standard of previous ones. Since the readers of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene would, of all the contents, be most interested in the section on infectious diseases, this was reviewed with special care. Although minor differences of opinion will occur among physicians familiar with the field, all articles present what can truly be called “approved” methods of treatment except the very first, that on amebiasis. This,weare forcedto say is out of place in such a book as Current Therapy, which does not provide space for the documentation of evidence in favor of minority views.

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