
In many circles of American life, some civic and some educational, the one-teacher elementary school is regarded as a thing of the past. It has served as the butt for many a joke or wisecrack; it has been castigated in no uncertain language by educational bigots who have not understood its contribution to the democratic way of life. Friendly zealots have. eulogized it in song and story, in the press, and on the platform. Although often criticized, more often neglected, sometimes praised, occasionally improved, the one-teacher school still plays a significant role in the public school system of the United States. In order to secure data on the present status of the one-teacher school, a questionnaire was sent recently to the chief state school officials in the forty-eight states, asking them to furnish up-to-date information on the one-teacher school in their respective states. Replies were received from thirty states. All geographic regions, except the Far West, are represented in the returns. The data are for the school year, 194647.

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