
This article reviews the OPTN/SRTR data collected on kidney and pancreas transplantation during 2003 in the context of trends over the past decade. Overall, the transplant community continued to struggle to meet the increasing demand for kidney and pancreas transplantation. The number of new wait-listed kidney registrants under the age of 50 has remained relatively stable since 1994, but the number of new registrants aged 50 to 64 has doubled. However, there was only a 2.3% increase in the total number of kidney transplants performed in 2003. Expanded criteria donor kidneys made up 20% of all recovered kidneys and 16% of all transplants performed, compared with 15% in the prior year. In May 2003, new rules were implemented to promote equity in kidney organ allocation. These changes seem to have improved access for historically disadvantaged groups, though they have reduced the quality of HLA matching. The effects on long-term outcomes have yet to be measured. Although the majority of SPK recipients are white (82%), the percentage of simultaneous kidney-pancreas recipients who are African-American has increased from 9% in 2000 to 16% in 2003. The percentage of Hispanic/Latino recipients increased from 5% to 9% over the same period.

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