
A He-cooled divertor concept for DEMO is being investigated at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe within the framework of the EU power plant conceptual study. The design goal is to resist a heat flux of 10 MW/m 2 at least. The major R&D areas are design, analyses, fabrication technology, and experimental design verification. A modular design is preferred for thermal stress reduction. The HEMJ (He-cooled modular divertor with multiple-jet cooling) was chosen as reference concept. It employs small tiles made of tungsten, which are brazed to a thimble made of tungsten alloy W-1%La 2O 3. The W finger units are connected to the main structure of ODS Eurofer steel by means of a copper casting with mechanical interlock. The divertor modules are cooled by helium jets (10 MPa, 600 °C) impinging onto the heated inner surface of the thimble. In cooperation with the Efremov Institute a combined helium loop & electron beam facility (60 kW, 27 keV) was built in St. Petersburg, Russia, for experimental verification of the design. It enables mock-up testing at a nominal helium inlet temperature of 600 °C, an internal pressure of 10 MPa, and a pressure difference in the mock-up of up to 0.5 MPa. Technological studies were performed on manufacturing of the W finger mock-ups. Several high heat flux tests were successfully performed till now. Post-examination and characterisation of the mock-ups subjected to the high heat flux tests were performed in collaboration with Forschungszentrum Jülich. Altogether, the test results confirm the divertor performance required. The helium-cooled divertor concept was demonstrated to be feasible. The knowledge gained from these experiments and some aspects on the design improvement are discussed in this contribution.

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