
SENJU is a state-of-the-art single crystal time-of-flight Laue diffractometer in Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The diffractometer is designed for precise crystal and magnetic structure analyses under multiple extreme conditions, such as low temperature, high-pressure, high-magnetic field. Measurements using small sample less than 1.0 mm3 will be also realized, which allows us to study wide variety of materials. SENJU is using a poisoned decoupled moderator to obtain peak profiles of Bragg reflection, and intensity distributions of superlattice reflections and diffuse scatterings with good accuracy. At the beginning, the diffractometer will have 31 two-dimensional scintillator detectors to cover wide area of reciprocal lattice space by a single measurement. The instrument is currently under construction and is scheduled to start on-beam commissioning in February 2012.

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