
Internet is changing almost every facet of our daily lives and the health care is not the exception. About half of the Korean population are using Internet and Korea has the highest rate of high bandwidth Internet use such as ADSL, Cable TV, and so on. E-health has been around health information, e-commerce, and connectivity. Now it migrates toward patient care, so called, e-care. E-care tries to improve the quality of care and reduce the health care costs like the traditional health care. The examples are health risk assessment, information and support, disease management, and interactive medical channel. Health risk assessment provides a comprehensive appraisal of risk factors, summarized by the health age. Information and support sites are specified for special age groups and special diseases. Many medical institutions such as hospitals or HMOs are providing medical channels as a part of their health care services. Many chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure are managed on-line supplementing the traditional doctors' care and management of such diseases. For the first time in Korea, an e-care system, named "Lifetime Health Clinic" is introduced. It provides health information for 80~90% of health problems occurring in a typical home. It also provides a lifetime cancer screening guideline and guidelines to manage registered members' health risks such as smoking, exercise, stress, nutrition, and weight. Clients select their own family physicians and their questions are answered by them on a one-to-one basis. It will improve the quality of medical care supplementing the traditional doctor's role.

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