
The yak is a late-maturing animal compared to cattle. However, the yak has precious properties in terms of endurance to harsh climatic conditions, the ability to make long transitions along inconvenient rocky mountain paths and feed all year round in the pasture, including during the winter. The local population of the Altai Republic has been breeding yaks since ancient times, as evidenced by archaeologists’ finds. Although the maximum number of yaks in the Altai Republic reached in 1990 - 18468 heads and were bred in the farms of five administrative districts, at present, the number of yaks totals only 6043 heads, and they are concentrated mainly in the farms of one municipality - the Kosh-Agachsky district. The authors propose measures for the effective development of yak breeding, increasing the number and rational use of these unique animals, considering natural and climatic conditions, land resources and the existing potential of agricultural producers in the Altai Republic. It is necessary to carry out selection and breeding work to create a highly productive breed to improve the breeding and practical qualities of the Altai population of yaks. The development of gastroecological tourism is the most promising for the Altai Republic. The need for high-quality, environmentally friendly meat, including barley, is constantly growing. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of yaks to develop a system at the farm level that ensures the rational use of available pasture lands. One of the critical issues is the development of State Standards (GOST) for meat and all by-products of yaks. Creating a marketing and advertising system for yak products remains an urgent problem.

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