
The aim of this review is to give an overview of current modern beekeeping technologies in Ethiopia and to highlight once again the challenges of adopting beekeeping technology. Bee-keeping in Ethiopia is common and one of the agricultural activities. Ethiopia is the leading honey producer in Africa and is one of the ten largest producers in the world (with around 23.6% of the African and 2.1% of the world production. Despite the long tradition of beekeeping in Ethiopia having the highest bee density and being the leading honey producer as well as one of the largest bee waxes exporting country in Africa, the share of sub sector in the GDP has never been commensurate with huge number of honey colonies and the country’s potential for beekeeping. To increase production and productivity of honey and bee wax, different improved technologies have been used in the last 7-10 year. Backyard beekeeping can not only be conducted with traditional, but also with transitional or modern beehives. Lack of bee-keeping equipment (like modern beehives, wax molds, honey extractors, queen excluders) and accessories, training on beekeeping technology, awareness creation, extension contact and market problem were the major determinant factors of adoption of modern beekeeping technology. Despite variations in distribution and adoption levels, the utilization of beekeeping technology has now commenced across all regions of the nation hives, adding and reducing supper. The management of bee colonies constitutes a fundamental aspect of contemporary beekeeping practices within the country. Beekeeping equipment and accessories must be readily available to beekeepers, with a significant focus on enhancing productivity and implementing proper management techniques for contemporary beehives. Such measures have the potential to enhance the likelihood of beekeepers adopting and utilizing modern beehive technology.

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