
Problem setting. In the context of the formation of a national innovation system in Ukraine, there is a need to implement an effective regional innovation policy aimed at ensuring high innovation potential in the region, applying a system of measures to activate innovative regional development and ensuring an adequate level of investment in the economy of the regions. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Among the studies on the development of the national innovation system and the formation of innovative infrastructure should be noted the work of legal scholars such as S. Glibko, O. Rozgon, A. Strizhkova. The target of research this article is to analyze the problems of implementing regional innovation policy.Article’s main body. The main objective of regional innovation policy is to create in the region a favorable innovation environment for the successful implementation of the process of obtaining, accumulation, enrichment of scientific knowledge and their effective transformation into technology and products, introduction of these products into important sectors of economy and social sphere. The main goal of regional innovation policy should be to create conditions for the formation of effective innovation infrastructure, to enhance the competitiveness of regional industries, to maintain in the region positive conditions for improving the socio-economic indicators of the region through the effective use of its innovation potential, and increase the level of development of scientific spheres. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Regional innovation policy should be effective and balanced, aimed at creating a favorable innovation and investment climate, conditions for development of innovative activity and overcoming regional disparities, while its implementation should identify the goals and directions of activity of regional state authorities and coordinated actions of relevant entities activities.

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