
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are highly prevalent and bothersome. The pressure flow or voiding part of urodynamics gives information regarding detrusor contractility and whether bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) is present. However, urodynamics are invasive and can be associated with infection and take time to perform. Moreover it is not clear whether urodynamics are beneficial in assessing LUTS routinely or whether they are able to predict outcomes following surgery for obstruction. As a result several non-invasive techniques and investigations have been developed to try to aid in the work up and management of patients with LUTS / BPE. A PubMed search was performed to review the literature on non-invasive urodynamic tests for voiding dysfunction. Techniques include transition zone index, intravesical prostatic protrusion, prostate circle area ratio, prostatic urethral angle, resistive index, bladder wall and detrusor wall thickness, ultrasound estimated bladder weight, near infrared spectroscopy, condom catheter and penile cuff compression techniques and are summarized in this review.

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