
Applying learning analytics (LAs) to actual teaching scenarios is a huge challenge. One of the problems that is required to be solved is how to combine LAs with pedagogy. Activity theory (AT) provides a conceptional tool for social human activities including objects and tools. Combining AT and pedagogical strategies as an analysis framework, this chapter analyzes LA application scenarios in seven components: subject, objective, community, tools, rules, division of labor, and outcomes. And learning theories present an in-depth analysis of rules. Conclusion shows in the LA application: teachers and students are main subjects; knowledge mastery is a common object; researchers and administrators play important roles while teachers have no specific teaching guidance to follow; presentation strategies of content are abundant; LAs integrate with multiple assessments; behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism embodied at different degrees; measurement of LAs application are diverse; not only learners, but characteristics of tasks need to be further studied.

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