
This article is devoted to the study of the current state of 2 pasture varieties of the biyurgun type: Anabasis salsa with the participation of Caroxylon orientale, Artemisia terrae-albae and A. kemrudica; Anabasis salsa with Caroxylon orientale and Artemisia terra-albae and Convolvulus fruticosus, Lycium ruthenicum, Anabasis brachiata, Nanophyton erinaceum, Nitraria schoberi, Malacocarpus crithmifolius and Xylosalsola chiwensis, with single Crambe edentula specimens distributed across the territory of Karakalpak Ustyurt (Uzbekistan) under the influence of Aral Sea drying. The Anabasis salsa pasture type occupies a larger area than that occupied by the other pasture types in Karakalpak Ustyurt (2 664 774 ha) and accounts for 36.4% of the total territory, which includes 9 pasture varieties. This type is common on takyr, loamy saline soils and, high-gypsum soils. The area of the studied pasture varieties, soil cover nature, projective cover percentage, landscape plant species, species placement, forage yield and recommended seasonality of use were determined. According to our observations the investigated pasture varieties are recommended for use as autumn-winter pastures.

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