
Drainage reclamation in the area of excessive water supply of Ukraine is an important component of ensuring sustainable agricultural production. However, today, after reforming the agricultural sector, land parcellation, and in a view of the financial crisis, which has affected virtually all sectors of social production, the efficiency of land use and their role in the state's food and resource supply has been significantly reduced.
 The objective of the research is to specify the current state and prospects for the development of drainage reclamation in a changing climate and to determine the priorities for restoring the effective use of drained land.
 Research Methods. Research methods are based on systematic analysis and generalization of the knowledge regarding the current state and features of the functioning of the reclamation systems in the humid zone of Ukraine.
 The results of the analysis of the current state of drainage reclamation in a changing climate, which occurs in recent decades, are accompanied by the instability of water supply in the reclaimed territories and form new conditions for crop growing.
 The features of reclamation systems functioning were specified. The main factors affecting the systems functioning and the efficiency of drained land use are the insufficient water supply to the land reclamation systems; land parcellation without taking into account the technological integrity of the drained arrays; poor technical condition of farm engineering infrastructure.
 The priorities of the development of drainage reclamation in modern conditions and the ways of restoring effective functioning of reclamation systems, in a view of the transformation processes, arisen as a result of reforming the agrarian sector, and modern agrotechnical and ecological requirements, are increasing the water supply of drainage systems; their reconstruction and modernization; development and implementation of new structural and technological solutions taking into account modern social, ecological and economic, agrotechnical requirements and the requirements of land users.
 It is established that in modern conditions one of the most effective and economical technological methods of water regime regulation on the drained lands is the accumulation of local drainage runoff. The developed structural and technological solutions for improving the water supply of the reclaimed territories are introduced. Their implementation enables to ensure the efficient and effective control of water regulation processes, to obtain guaranteed water volumes for moistening and ensuring optimal water regime in the soil root layer.
 It was found out that obtaining guaranteed volumes of agricultural products in a changing climate is possible only due to observance of scientifically grounded technological processes in land reclamation and ensuring water regime regulation on the drained lands. Therefore, maximum utilization of the potential of crop varieties and hybrids is possible only by ensuring the regulation of soil water regimes.
 Conclusions. The restoration of the effective use of drainage systems under intensive water regulation is one of the priorities, which requires the implementation of the measures on land reclamation systems modernization and reconstruction.

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