
1. Introduction Internet advertising is a prospective trend of advertising communication in the era of information technologies and an efficient way to promote goods and services in the tough competitive market. Nowadays, Internet advertising is a suite of web technologies for complete market service. It guarantees actual information received through the new, high-efficient marketing communication channels, interactive virtual dialogue between a consumer and a supplier of goods, services, immediate creation of favorable conditions for beneficial transactions. This web segment is required for consumers who need a fast response to the question, with whom it is better, cheaper, more reliable and easier to receive information, make an order and purchase a product or service (Hendrix, 2014). Many scholars have dedicated their works to separate aspects of the problem of using and development of Internet advertising. Thus, according to study of Schivinski and Dabrowski (2016), the number of people accessing the Internet exceeds two billion four hundred thousand, i.e. 34% of the world's population. Moreover, one out of every seven people in the world has a Facebook profile and nearly four in five Internet users visit social media sites. The advent of social media has transformed traditional one-way communication into multi-dimensional, two-way, peer-to-peer communication. Social media platforms offer an opportunity for customers to interact with other consumers; thus, companies are no longer the sole source of brand communication (Schivinski and Dabrowski, 2016). The authors applied the structural equation modeling technique to both investigate the interplay of firm-created and user-generated social media communication and examine industry-specific differences. The results of the empirical studies showed that user-generated social media communication had a positive influence on both brand equity and brand attitude. It was found by Buchanan-Oliver and Fitzgerald (2016) that implementing a total stakeholder approach to dialogic communication proved to be extremely elusive for many organizations exploring social media applications. The empirical findings of this research explore how marketing and communications professionals from a diverse range of industry and agency role contexts view social media, the study presents issues faced by organizations in implementing dialogic communication. It is suggested that these implementation issues inhibit the ability of organizations to move beyond 'control' and implement a total stakeholder approach to social media for dialogic communication that can engage with an organization's stakeholders to gain their support (Buchanan-Oliver and Fitzgerald, 2016). Gregory Cristal (2014) considers digital advertising, ad serving technologies, ad server reporting, ad server analytics, etc. He gives marketers the ability to deliver and measure their ads for exceptionally low cost, revealing the true value of the ad space they pay for. The changes in today's dynamic world of media and marketing communication-as well as the implications of these changes to traditional practice are analyzed by S. Moriarty, N. Mitchell and W. Wells. The study highlights the increasing importance of consumers as the driving force in today's advertising strategies, social media, and the Internet evolution/revolution, offering an increased IMC and brand focus (Moriarty et al, 2015). As stated by M. Smith, online advertising is exploding. Growing at a compound annual rate near 20%, it is now the second-largest advertising channel in the United States. The work examines the growth of digital advertising, its enormous potential, and the technologies that are changing the game forever. Leading the way is real-time bidding, which offers advertisers unprecedented precision in targeting ads and measuring their effectiveness (Smith, 2015). Several works have been dedicated to the problems of promotion in social networks. …

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