
The Indonesian construction industry provides qualified regional infrastructure and human settlements. However, the disparity between the quality of infrastructure products and the competence of construction professionals to meet this, particularly in the Industry 4.0 era, still needs to be addressed. This paper reviews the existing government regulations on the construction engineer profession, who are leaders and managers to ensure the execution of construction project activities meet certain specifications, overcome all obstacles and problems from global changes and further contribute to the progress and independence of the nation. A relook at existing regulations in terms of (1) engineer professional programs, (2) engineer registration, (3) engineer institution, (4) engineer professional organization, and (5) rights and responsibility is necessary to help the construction industry in improving the roles and competitiveness of Indonesian engineers in this current 4.0 era. The outcome of this review can serve as an approach to developing a technical concept for the Indonesian engineer to take critical roles in effective quality control and management and create sustainable development in Indonesia.

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