
The article examines certain shortcomings of the current Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses in comparison with the provisions of the new administrative code. The examples show individual shortcomings of the new regulatory regulation. The author of the article also notes that in recent years, Ukraine has implemented the largest regulatory and legal measures to modernize administrative and tort legislation._The unstoppable increase in the number of registered administrative offenses makes us think again about the lagging of the law-making process from the real needs of society. The article singles out some aspects of improving the legislation on administrative offenses and the administrative- delict process, specifying the concept and legal meaning of the norm on administrative responsibility, rethinking some scientific dogmas, leading scientists to the need to clarify the concepts that constitute the essence of legal regulation of relations in the field of administrative responsibility: administrative- delict relations, administrative-delict law, norm of administrative-delict law for further regulation of legal relations in the sphere of administrative liability. On the basis of rethinking the views established in science about administrative responsibility as one of the institutes of administrative law, the author substantiates the conclusion that the norms regulating the issue of this type of legal responsibility form an independent branch of Ukrainian law - administrative tort law. Administrative-delict law carries out material-legal regulation of administrative liability. The opinion of academics is also noted, who note that the Code of Criminal Procedure in its current state is outdated in many respects and requires a radical adjustment on a new conceptual and doctrinal basis. The set of its constituent norms has its own subject, method of legal regulation, separate organization of regulatory material on administrative offenses.
 Modern administrative and tort law is characterized by integration with criminal law, which allows more effective use of their powers in the prevention of offenses.

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