
This article analyzes the manifestations of regionalism in the context of a deep socio-political crisis in Ukraine. With the development of the political crisis that followed the coup d'etat in February 2014 in Ukraine, there was a noticeable actualization of issues and problems related to regionalism, society as a whole demonstrated a request for the redistribution of powers between the power center and the regions. This is reflected in numerous initiatives of regional authorities and public organizations aimed at expanding the financial base, functions and rights of local authorities and self-government, as well as in policy documents of political forces. At the same time, in some cases, the idea of establishing a contractual relationship between the Central government and the regions was put forward, which is typical for the Federal model of government. In response to this request, the Executive branch made another attempt to implement local government reform under the slogan of decentralizing the country's state structure. Since 2014, Ukraine has developed two multidirectional trends – centrifugal and centripetal, the ratio of which will determine the dynamics and severity of political manifestations of regionalism. Despite numerous autonomist statements, Ukrainian regionalism remains within the "rigid" model formed in the post-Soviet period. The conflict in the South-East of the country and the deep involvement of the leading powers – Russia, the United States and the European Union-are the determining factor that predetermined the "freezing" of regionalization processes in Ukraine after 2014. After the signing of the Minsk agreements, the implementation of which means for Ukraine to introduce elements of Federal relations into the system of state structure, the reform of the state structure and territorial administration has become inextricably linked with Kiev's strategy towards the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass. Manifestations of regionalism were perceived by Kiev to a large extent in the context of threats to the territorial integrity of the country, which significantly limited the possibility of implementing the policy of decentralization. In addition, Russia and the United States have demonstrated in practice different approaches to the interpretation and implementation of the Minsk agreements, which has had a negative impact on the regionalization processes in Ukraine. The nature of the processes of regionalization in Ukraine allows to draw Parallels with the situation in Transnistria and around him, and to talk about common Moldovan and Ukrainian models hard regionalism, the hallmark of which is the transformation of the regionalization processes in a tool to achieve political goals of Russia and the West in conflict with the nature of their interaction on post-Soviet space.


  • This article analyzes the manifestations of regionalism in the context of a deep socio-political crisis in Ukraine

  • With the development of the political crisis that followed the coup d'etat in February 2014 in Ukraine, there was a noticeable actualization of issues and problems related to regionalism, society as a International Trends


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Настоящая статья посвящена анализу проявлений регионализма в условиях текущего социальнополитического кризиса на Украине. Одним из последствий глубокого социально-политического кризиса, в который погрузилась Украина после государственного переворота в феврале 2014 года, стала активизация борьбы за расширение ресурсов и полномочий местных властей. 3 Минских соглашений Киев взял на себя обязательство «провести децентрализацию власти, в том числе путём принятия Закона Украины “О временном порядке местного самоуправления в отдельных районах Донецкой и Луганской областей” (Закон об особом статусе)»30. Местных выборов стало укрепление региональных политических сил, что, вероятно, придаст импульс новому витку проявлений регионализма на Украине. На Украине получили развитие две разнонаправленные тенденции, центробежная и центростремительная, соотношение которых определяет динамику и направленность процессов формирования новой модели взаимоотношений центра и регионов, а также общий «градус» политических проявлений регионализма. Анализ и оценка соотношения центробежных и центростремительных тенденций, влияния внешних и внутренних факторов регионализации в государствах, отли­чающихся выраженными региональными различиями и при этом оказавшихся полем регионального и глобального политического соперничества, представляются перспективным направлением концептуализации моделей жёсткого регионализма в рамках замороженных конфликтов на постсоветском пространстве

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