
Subject. We address the determination and use of discounted value in the preparation of financial statements under IFRS and problems associated with this estimate, including in circumstances of pandemics. Objectives. We focus on a comprehensive study of the purpose, reasons, methods of calculating and applying the discounted value in the process of preparing the financial statements, and consider factors that affect the estimate and its changes, as well as its impact on the indicators of financial statements. Methods. The study employs methods of logical, statistical, comparative, and linguistic analysis. We also review foreign and Russian scientific and practical literature, the rules contained in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, consolidated financial statements of Russian public companies for 2019 and 2020. Results. We unveil problems associated with the use of discounted value and the area of its influence, make proposals to improve its measurement and disclosure in the preparation of financial statements. The scope of application of the results obtained includes: building up regular reporting by economic entities, primarily in terms of determining the discounted value, including in the direction of coordinating financial and non-financial reporting information and improving the reliability of disclosures and their analytic function. Conclusions. To improve the reliability of financial statements, it is crucial to expand disclosures about approaches and assumptions used in measuring the discounted value and coordinate information about the elements of discounted value with non-financial reporting data.

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