
The main purpose of the article is to investigate the role and purpose of legal education in the training of specialists of other special, separate from legal persons; to develop methods of teaching legal disciplines to students of nonlegal professions, as well as to find out the need and influence of legal knowledge and other areas and branches. For a detailed study of this topic, the following methods were used: dialectical method, formal-legal method, logical method, method of induction and deduction, method of system analysis, logical method, and others. The results of the study – definition, and analysis of the main problems of legal training of future specialists of non-legal professions; the state of teaching legal disciplines to students of non-legal specialties was investigated and clarified; the existing and proposed new methods of teaching nonlegal students were analyzed; the impact of legal knowledge on other areas of activity was clarified. The practical significance of this article consists in the development of approaches and methods of teaching legal disciplines to nonlegal students for their development in their chosen profession. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the analysis of existing and developed new methods and techniques of teaching students of non-legal specialties. Conclusions: within this article, the author has made an attempt to develop and research methods and approaches for legal training of specialists of non-legal professions for future development and improvement of various spheres of activity, and also to find out how knowledge of the law can affect the formation of the student as a future professional in the chosen industry.

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