
Since 1997, China has been carrying out general practice education and has promulgated and implemented the “General Practitioner System”, conducting general practice job transfer training and “5+3” standardized training. However, the continuing education of general practitioners in China was the weakest. This study looked insights in the barrier of continuing education for General Practitioners in China: There was no unified mode and standard for continuing education for general practitioners, lacked of management system covering the entire practice cycle of general practitioners, the focus of post graduation training was unclear, the overall level of the teaching staff was not high, and the enthusiasm of general practitioners to participate in continuing education was poor. In response to these issues, the authors constructed and implemented a full cycle general practitioner continuing education model guided by job competence. Based on summarizing the 10 core job competencies of general practitioners, they constructed a general practitioner training faculty, established general practitioner related systems (continuing education system, practice management system, and professional title promotion system), designed training courses, and conducted hierarchical training, We organized multi-path scientific research training and conducted comprehensive quality management for the continuing education of general practitioners, achieving satisfactory results. Our raining model provided a useful reference for the current continuing education of general practitioners in China and is worth promoting and applying.

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